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Ad | Page | Products |
10/02/2024 - 10/08/2024 |
1 | bacon, basket, beef meat, ground turkey, Monterey Jack cheese | |
2 | ham, pudding, cheddar, chicken breasts, Pepper Jack cheese | |
3 | apple pie filling, bicarbonate of soda, breadcrumbs, cake mix, cereals | |
4 | buttermilk, cod, dill pickle, mayonnaise, red beans | |
5 | animal food, anti-perspirant, body wash, conditioner, dog food | |
10/02/2024 - 10/08/2024 |
1 | cookies, detergent, Doritos, Gain, russet potatoes | |
2 | american cheese, bread sticks, broccoli, canned tomatoes, catfish | |
3 | bath tissue, canned tuna, cat food, cat litter, corn | |
4 | apple juice, coconut milk, cottage cheese, eggs, english muffins | |
5 | BBQ sauce, Coca-Cola, mac and cheese, Maxwell House, mustard |