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✭✮✯ ✰✱✲ ✳✴ ✵✶✷✸✹✺✹✵✶✸✹✻✼ ✵✷✳✽✮✺✸➁ ✤ ✖✗✖✢ ✘✙✚ ✛✜✣✥✦✛✜✧✥ ✛✜★✩✥✪✫✬ ❒❮❰❮ÏÐÑ ÒÓÔÕÓÖ ÓÖÑ× ÐØÐ❮ÑÐÙÑÚ ÓÖ ❙ ▲❊ ✂❘■❈❊ ✷✌ ❢☛☞ ✹ ❉■●■❚ ▲ ❈❖✁✂❖◆ ✩ ✲ ✶ ßà ÛÜÝÜÞâå áâãä ❲❍✝✞ ✟✠❯ ✡❯✟ ❨ ❫❬➵◆ ❫❬❳◆ ➸➺❚P➻➼ ➽➾ ➚➪➶ ➹➘➶ ➴➷➬➮ æê çèé ïì▼ì✄ ☎ ✆ëëóñ ëìíîï ðñìòó ôõö÷ø ùúûúöôü ýþÿ♣þ♥ ❆✦❆ ✧★✪✫✬✭✮✰✱ ❲✪❛✲✫ ✽✳✴✵✶✷ ✸✹ ✺✻✶ ✼✾✶ ✿❀❁❂ ♣❃❄❅ ❈❉♣❊❅❋● ❍■❉❏❉ ❏❉❑❄❋❏❉❈ →➣↔ ▲▼◆P◗❘◆◗❚P ❯❳◆❩❬P❭ ❬P ▲❪❬P◗❭ ❫◆❪ ❴❵❵ ❞❢❣ ❤✐❢❥❣ ♣❃❄❅ ❈❉♣❊❅❋● ❍■❉❏❉ ❏❉❑❄❋❏❉❈ ➩➫➭ s✉✬✲✈ ✇✮✲❛ s✉✬✲ ✉✫ ✧★✫✮❛✲ ①②③④⑤⑥ ⑦①⑤⑧ ⑨⑩⑤ ❶❷⑤ ❸❹⑩⑤ ❺❻❼❽ ❾❿❺➀❽➁➂ ➃➄❿➅❿ ➅❿➆❼➁➅❿❾ →➣↔ ✧❦✪✫❛❧✪❛✲✫ ♠✳✴✵✶✷ ✸ ✻♥q✶ r♥✻❂✶ ♣❃❄❅ ❈❉♣❊❅❋● ❍■❉❏❉ ❏❉❑❄❋❏❉❈ ➯➲➳ ❒❮❰❮ÏÐÑ ÒÓÔÕÓÖ ÓÖÑ× ÐØÐ❮ÑÐÙÑÚ ÓÖ ❙ ▲❊ ✂❘■❈❊ ✷✌ ❢☛☞ ✹ ❉■●■❚ ▲ ❈❖✁✂❖◆ ✩ ✲ ✶ ßà ÛÜÝÜÞâå áâãä ❲❍✝✞ ✟✠❯ ✡❯✟ ❨ ❫❬➵◆ ❫❬❳◆ ❘➱◗✃ ❫❬❐❐❚❚ ➽➾ ➚➪➶ ➹➘➶ ➴➷➬➮ æê çèé ïì▼ì✄ ☎ ✆ëëóñ ëìíîï ðñìòó ôõö÷ø ùúûúöôü ýþÿ♣þ♥ ✛✜✢✣✤ ✥✦✣✧ ✛✜✢✣ ↕➝ ✼✯✱ ✳✴✯ ✵✸✯ ✺✽✾✽ ✿❀✾❁ ♣❃❄❅ ❈❉♣❊❅❋● ❍■❉❏❉ ➙➛➜ ❏❉❑❄❋❏❉❈ ✜★ ✪✫★✦✧✣ ✻✬✭✮✯✰ ❁❆ ❃❆ ✾ ❆✿✾❅ ❆ ❃ ❉ ❊❋● ❍■● ❏❑❋● ♣❃❄❅ ❈❉♣❊❅❋● ❍■❉❏❉ ✍ ❂ ❱✕ ❅ ❏❉❑❄❋❏❉❈ ❃ ❄ ✕ ♦ ➞ ➟➠➡ ❄❁❇❊❋● ❍■●❃❆❏❑❋● ❃❆ ➢ ❄ ● ❄❅❃ ❊❋● ❍■● ❏❑❋❃❆● ➟➠➡ ✍ ✑✒ ♦ ✓ ✑✖ ✗ ✎ ❡✏ ✔✕ ✏ ❄ ❃ ❇❃ ❙❀❄ ❉ ❊❋● ❍■● ❏❑❋✾❅● ✎ ✘ ♦✙ ♦✕✔ ✚♦ ❡ ✒ ➤ ➥➦➧ ❙✾✿❀❁❂ ▲❃✿❄❅❆❇❃ ❈❉ ❊❋● ❍■● ❏❑❋● ✐❥❦❧❦✐♠♥❧t♣q❥r❦ ➉ ▼◆❖◗ ❘ ❖❡❚❡❡❯ ❱❲❳❨ ❩♦❖ ❬➤ ❭❖♦❪❡❖❫ ❖❡❴◆❖❚❳ ➉ ❵◆❖❡❩❲❛❛❫ ❳②♦❜❜❡❚ ❝❫ ❡❞❜❡❖❢❡◗❪❡❚ ❣❵❤▼ ◆❳❳♦❪❢◆❨❡❳ ➒➓➔→➟➾➭➞➣➢➻➞↔↕↕➙➛➜➝➞ ➟➠➞➡➢➥➦➧➠➨➠➚×➼➽➾➞ ➥➧➦➥➩➫➭Ø➯➠➚➾➯➟➶ ➭➲➳➲➵➸➺➻➳➞ ➠➪➳➭➞➠➟➩➫➳➚➶➚➠➹➫Ð➝ÝÛÜ ➠➼➶➘➞Ý➭➴Ð➮à➝❒ÐàÞ➝à➘Ðà➩ÛÜ ➠➷➻➬➮➱✃➱➻➶➭➱➯➾➯➟➠➯➶ ➠➞❐➞➱➲➱❒➱➟➠❮❰ÏÐ➨Ñ➾➶➼➽➠➼Ò➱➳➶ ➩ ➫➭➯➭➲➳➲➻➳➞ ➭Ô ➭➚➠➼➾➹➟Õ➼➱➳➹➞➻➭➾➶➼➠Ò➳➻➾Õ ➟➡➾➚➠➟➱➯➚➳➡➶ ➶➾➹➱Õ➾➹➞➾➶➹➭➪➳➾➹➱➯➟➾➶➭Ö➠➟➭➠➩➫➾➢➯➱➶➡➠➼➱➲➡➭ ➶➠➲➚➾➶➼➽➠➼Ò➱➳➶➾Õ➯➠➟ã➭➶➠➞➟➠➟➳➼➶ ➹ ➱➶➽➠➞➼➱➳➻➱➯➚×➚➾➴➭ ➯Ø➚×➾➯➟➟➭➚➢➼➱➳➯➶ ➚➠×➾➯➟Ó ➭ Ô➽➠Ù➼➹➠➞➭Ø➳➽➶➶➟➠➚➾➹➱ ➲➱➟➭➼➱➽➱➹Õ➢➭➼➱➞➼➾➯➼➠➹➱Õ ➡➠➴➠➞➾Ø➠➚×➶Õ➠➱➞➚➡➾➼➼➱➾➯➟Ú➳➭ ➚×➾➯➟➾➯➢Õ ➾Ù➠➚➩Ï❰ÛÜ➼➽➾➚➠➞ ➫Üá➠➾➚➩➝➯➹ ➥❐Ðàâ➝➷❮Ðâ➝Û➘➩á➽➭ ➚ ➾➲➭➱ÕÕ➠➞➟➱➠➚➯➱➶➾➻➻➹ ➢ ➶➱ ➱➯➹➠➼➭➚➚➱➶ ➯➽➾➚➠➾➲➱➳➯➶Ó ➠➱➞➽➟➠➞➠➞ã➚➭➚➼➽➠➟➳➹ ➶➭➠➱➞➶➯➚×➟➭➽➠➱Õ➚➼➱➳➯➶ Õ➠➱➞➠Ù➻➭ ➶➽ ➱➶➽➠➞➱Õ➭➱➼➯➱Õ➾➹ Õ➠➞➱➚➞×➾➯➟➱➶ ➽➠➞➞➾➯➼➠×➚➭➠➚➶➞➭➯➼➶Ø➹➭➱➠➯➚➲➾➢➾➻➻➹ ➩ä➠➞ ➚➠➞➴➠➶ ➧➱➞➟➹➾➠➞➡➹➚➠➾➯➟➧Õ➱➞➾➯➱➟➞ ➶➱➯➹➱ ➼➱➞➭➯➠➱➞➞➠➼➶➶➱➟➟➳➼➶➠➞➢➩➻➱Ø➞éêëìí ➾➻➽➭î ➼ïðñò ➾➹× ➻➭ó➼ôïõ➶➱➞➭➾í➹ö×ô÷øù➾➯➟➱➶ ➽ôô÷øðúûêò ➠➞➾➟➱➞➻➞ ➭óôõöóðõ ➼➘➭➯➝ÝÛÞß➝à➥❮ááÜ Ø➠➞üô÷øðúûõ ➞➱➞➚➩åææ↔➛ç➙➛➣➜❮➠➞➴➭ ➼ ➠➾➴➾➭ ➹ ➾ ➡➹ ➠ ➭ ➯ ➚➠➹ ➠ ➼➶➾➞ ➭ ➯ ➠➱➞ ➟ ➠➞ ➚ ➞ ➠ ➪➳➭ ➞ ➠ ➯ ➭ ➲ ➳➲➻➳➞ ➼ ➽➾➚➠×➳➯➹ ➚ ➠➯➱➶ ➠ ➟➩➝➯➹ ➭ ➯ ➠➻➞ ➱ ➲➱➶ ➚ ➾➯➟➱Õ Õ ➠ ➞ ➚ ➲➾➢➟➭ Õ ➠ ➞Õ ➞ ➱ ➲➶ ➽ ➱➚➠➭ ➯ ➱➳➞➻➽➢➚➭ ➾➹➚➶ ➠ ➚➩❒➹ ➠ ➾➞ è ➚ ➶ ➱ ➞ ➠ ×➾➯➟➭ ➯ è ➚ ➶ ➱ ➞ ➠ ➱➯➹ ➢ ➚➻➠➼➭ ➾ ➹ ➚ ➱➞➻➞ ➱ ➲➱➶ ➭ ➱ ➯➚➲➾➢➯➱➶➡➠➾➴➾➭ ôöôíýôòóôïõêþêò➠➚➳➹íê➶➭ú÷øêù ÷öêëúò÷øðúû÷ðýíúü÷ðïïî➽➠➞➟➭íöðÿî➚➼➱➳➯➶ ô òê ñêëõêõ ôûðñðúûò íþôòóðòñêëõêõûôõí÷ ïõôïðõôûðúûïõêöô÷÷ôûùêõ ✥úðîïðñþôúòø ìóíöóþðñÿôûíù ôõôúòùõêþòóê÷ô÷óêìúíú òóô➙÷òíþðòôû➓êòðîìóôúñêëïîðöôñêëõêõûôõêúîíúô♦ ❐➞➭➼➠➚×➻➞➱➲➱➶➭➱➯➚×➾➯➟ ➻➞➱➟➳➼➶➾➴➾➭➹➾➡➭➹➭➶➢ ➴➾➞➢ ➾➲➱➯Ø➚➶➱➞➠➚➩❰➯➢➯➠Ø➾➶➭➴➠➡➾➹➾➯➼➠➧➼➞➠➟➭➶ ➾➲➱➳➯➶➚➽➱ã➯➞ ➯ØÕ➞➱ù➲❐➞ôõ÷øûí➱➲➱❒➱➟➠➚×➼➱➳➻➱➯➚×➱➞➱➶ ➚ ➾➯➟➱ÕûÕôõêúò ➠➞➚ ã➭➹ó➡➠➾➟ ❜➳➚➶➠➟➶➱ ➵Ñ➩ß➳➹➹ ➶➠➞➲➚➾➴➾➭➹➾➡➹➠ ➾➶➾➹➡➠➞➶➚➱➯➚➼➱➲➻➾➯➭➠➚➩➼➱➲➧➾➡➱➳➶è➳➚➧➱➳➞è➻➱➹➭➼➭➠➚➧➶➠➞➲➚è➱Õè➳➚➠➩➽➶➲➹ß➱➞à➠ã➾➞➟➚❐➞➱Ø➞➾➲➟➠➶➾➭➹➚×➴➭➚➭➶ ❰➹➡➠➞➶➚➱➯➚❒➱➲➻➾➯➭➠➚ ❇➾➯➯➠➞➚➶➱➞➠➚❡ ➲➱➡➭➹➠ ➾➻➻➚➱➞ã➠➡➚➭➶➠➚ P ✁✂✄☎ ✄✆✆✄✂✝✁✞✄ ✆ ✁✟✠✡☛ ☞✌✍✄ ✎☛ ✏✑✏✒ ✝✓ ✌ ✝✓✌ ☎✟✠✡☛ ☞✌✔✡ ✕ ✏✑✏✒ ⑧⑨⑩⑨❶ ❷⑩ ❸❶ ❹❺❻❼❽❸❾❿➀❶⑩➂➃➄❽ ➅➄❾ ❸ ➆➄➃❸❶⑨➄➇ ➇➀❸❾ ➈➄❷➊ ❆❇➆❋❋ ❏❑P◗❳ ❩❬❇ ❳❑❭❪❇❑P❇❫ ❩❭ ❴❭❵❑ ❪❛❑ ➇➈➇➉➊➋➌➍➎➏➌➐➍➑➊➒➌➍➌➓➇➋➌➑➔➏ Unless otherwise noted, offers in this ad are in effect at 6 a.m., Friday thru Thursday 11 p.m. at your local ACME stores. LIMIT ONE COUPON PER ITEM PER DAY PER HOUSEHOLD. Prices and savings vary among store locations. Not all items or varieties available in all store locations. Quantities limited to inventory on hand and subject to availability. Sales in retail quantities only and we reserve the right to limit quantities sold to per customer. While supplies last. Unless otherwise noted, transactional limits may apply. On Buy One, Get One Free (BOGO) offers, customer must purchase the first item to receive the second item free. BOGO offers are not 1/2 price sales. If only a single item is purchased, the regular price applies. Manufacturers’ coupons may only be used on purchased items, not on free items. All rebate offers are subject to applicable manufacturer’s additional terms. Customer pays for applicable taxes, bottle/can deposit and bag fees, if any, on purchased and free items. We reserve the right to modify or cancel offers and/or correct typographical, pictorial and other ad or pricing errors. Prices for products ordered online generally are higher than in our physical store locations and may vary by fulfillment method chosen. Online promotions, discounts and offers may differ from those in our physical store locations. All rainchecks must be redeemed within 30 days of issuance. Offers are void or restricted where prohibited or limited by law and have no cash value. No cash back will be given. s✉✈✉✈✇✉①③④ ①✉⑤⑥⑤⑦✉ ➨ ➟➠➡ ❖ ✩ ✝ ✁✞✟✠✞✡ ❨✁✂✄☛☎✡✆✄ ✁☞ ✌✍✯ ✎ ✁✄ ✄ ✏✁✄✡ ✁ ✓✕✖✕ ✗✕✘✑ ✓ ✔❱✚✛✜ ✢t ✑✒t✑❙✙ ✗❝✑✗✣✕✤t ➋➌➍➎➏ ➐ ➑

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